Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Calendar updates and reminders

Hiking at Brady's Run was rained out last week so we will try again on Sunday the 25th. We can try to Geocache as well. If the weather is still sketchy we will stay at church and watch a movie or play games. Either way bring some money and we can get some fast food or pizza. Your parents can pick you up at whatever time you are needed (Mussers: preferably the same day), as there is no school the following day.

Remember the sign-up deadline for Cedar Point is June 1st. The cost is 35 dollars. Please pay me by June 1st so I can get the group rate. This activity is open to the whole church.

Also, please turn in your Camp Pioneer forms ASAP! We don't want to miss this opportunity because of late forms.

Keep checking here and on the calendar for summer activities and servant event fund raisers.

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